Lobby 中文

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Lobby的中文意思: 'lɔbi n.1.门廊,门厅,过厅。 2.(英国下院的)会客室,查阅lobby的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 lobby中文lobby是什么意思. I will wait for you in the lobby, just inside the door. In North America, the farm lobby is very large and powerful. We need to lobby the governor to change the law. 台灣旅遊小秘訣 (Taiwan Travel Tips) 10:05. The lobby is two stories with super tall shelves. 2462 55 B1 中級 有中文字幕. 本網站中使用 cookie,欲查詢有關本網站使用 cookie 方式之詳情,及若您不希望在電腦上使用 cookie 時應如何變更電腦的 cookie 設定,請參閱本網站「 隱私權條款 」之 Cookie 聲明。. 您繼續使用本網站即表示您同意本公司得按本網站使用條款之 Cookie.

Lobby 中文

Lobby 中文意思




Lobby 中文

  • They also lobby for government aid and band together to fight private oligopolies that sell seed and buy corn.


  • But New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg had earlier pushed for harsh punishment, threatening to lobby for severe federal criminal charges instead of a misdemeanor.


  • You might lobby for a half day per week to study and play with new technologies.


  • Too often bosses, like generals, dislike being away from the heat of battle, and use their past heroic status to undermine their successors and lobby for their own return.


  • He hopes that they can be turned into an influential lobby for reform.


  • Just click on the help button in the casino lobby for a complete set of instructions and explanations on all casino games.


  • Second, the signatories「 want their countries to lobby for Europe to have a more responsible and active relationship with America.


  • Mr Osborne plans to consult during the summer before the tax is set in stone, giving banks plenty of time to lobby for changes.


  • If you don」t use custom lobbies explicitly, PUN will use a single lobby for all rooms.


  • Early last year, Merck announced that it would no longer actively lobby for state mandates.


  • The Club for Growth, a lobby for economic conservatives, assails him for hiking sales and petrol taxes in Arkansas, and for his attacks on industries he accused of 「price-gouging」.


  • HSBC continues to lobby for a listing of its shares in Shanghai.


  • Moreover, foreign Banks accustomed to sound regulation, prudent oversight and honest accounting in their home countries may lobby for the same things abroad.


  • the American in Peoria knows who to lobby for change while the American in Paris does not.


  • The furthest off-piste they go is Anne Krueger「s 1974 article on rent-seeking, explaining why people may lobby for governments to distort the economy.


  • 「You can lobby for better projects and ask for assignments that will showcase your skills and heighten your credibility,」 Wendleton notes — but don」t be surprised if you don「t get them.


  • However, Keidanren, the lobby for big business, opposes deregulation on the ground that TEPCO and its ilk ensure a stable supply of electricity.


  • It seemed to take a big hit exactly a week ago when he jetted across the Atlantic to lobby for Chicago to get the 2016 Olympics — and was rejected with a last-place finish.


  • And the billionaire himself seizes every opportunity to lobby for the end of the traditional Western toilet.


  • Conservative speakers came to lobby for what election-wonks call a 「sandwich」 : a pair of constituencies made up of urban, suburban and rural slices.


  • NGOs now lobby for convicts」 rights, and lawyers argue that the issue is not between death-row convicts and the rest of the citizenry but of overweening state power over all.


  • From France to Greece to Hungary he is cultivating parties on Europe's far right and left: anyone who might lobby for Russian interests in the EU, or even help to prise the union apart (see article).


  • He dropped me at a hotel and we waited in the lobby for three quarters of an hour.


  • In July, I went to work in Washington for Project Pursestrings, a citizens lobby for the McGovern-Hatfield amendment, which called for a cutoff of funding for the Vietnam War by the end of 1971.


  • Andy Rubin, director of mobile platforms at Google, says managing the software-development effort while giving its partners the opportunity to lobby for new features takes time.


  • Deborah Doane of the world Development Movement, a lobby for 「fairer world trade」, points out that donor money only buys half as much food as it did a decade ago.
