Rabbit Card Poker

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  1. Rabbit Card Poker Online
  2. Rabbit Card Poker Rules
  • White Rabbit Bicycle Playing Cards. A November 2018 Pip Box Club Selection - For more information on joining Pip Box Club click here. The White Rabbit playing card deck is printed by the famous United States Playing Card Company, featuring 56 poker.
  • Carbon also has a rabbit feature. It is different from the ignition feature in that the winner of the hand is the only one that can run it. It shows all remaining cards and the whole table sees it.
  • Top up Rabbit Card is easy. Visit any BTS Ticket Office or any other Authorized Top-up Service Provider with “top up” sign displayed, add cash in multiples of 100 baht up to a maximum of 4,000 baht.

Last week, partypoker distributed an update to its poker software. There was nothing revolutionary included, but a few additions should appeal to recreational players and, as we know, the industry has been targeting casual players for months. The highlight of the update is something pros will probably hurumph at: rabbit hunting.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda

Rabbit hunting is the practice of looking at what cards would have been dealt next when a hand ends before showdown. Most of us have probably done it in home games. Perhaps you had four to a flush, but folded when your buddy put you all-in on the river. But you just NEED to know. You are itching to find out if that fifth flush card would have come on the river, so you reach over to the deck, burn a card, and then flip over that river card while your friend is scooping the pot.

In most casinos, rabbit hunting is not allowed. If it is, you need to ask first. The primary reason rabbit hunting is frowned upon is that it slows down the game. One or two players might not mind it, but most players at the table, especially those who were not involved in the end stages of the hand, are just going to be annoyed. They couldn’t care less what card would have been dealt – they just want to move on to the next hand.

It’s also not typically the best idea to ask for a rabbit hunt because it can give away your holdings. If there are two spades on the board and you want to see what the river would have been, I think everyone is going to know that you’re looking for a flush. Player reactions can also reveal players’ strategy, so your opponents might not appreciate the rabbit hunt.

Diamonds needed for rabbit hunting

But back to partypoker. Rabbit hunting is currently only available in SPINS tournaments. And lest one fear that it will be used every single hand (it might), players must purchase a rabbit hunt using the Diamonds virtual currency. Diamonds were previously introduced on the mobile app. They don’t cost real money – this currency is simply earned by playing.

Diamonds can also be used on the mobile app to buy objects to throw at opponents at the table, just for a little silliness, but that functionality is not yet up and running on the desktop app.

Another addition – and this will be found at Hold’em tables – is a new feature that will display showdown equity in all-in situations. There’s not much else too this. When two or more players are all-in against each other and the cards are revealed. Each player’s equity is shown next to their name.

And finally, at heads-up tables, players are now required to pay the same number of big blinds during the match.

“Should a player quit the game before an equal number of big blinds are paid, they will automatically post the big blind and then their hand folded,” reads the partypoker blog.

Lead photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

The Rabbit Tarot is one for the animal lovers! It has rabbits appearing instead of humans on the cards, but still manages to retain workable tarot symbolism. It's a full 78 card deck, and would be suited for children, the young at heart, or readers with anxious querents.

Created by Nakisha VanderHoeven
Tarot Deck - 78 Cards - Self Published 2009

Card Images from the Rabbit Tarot

More About These Cards

Name: Rabbit Tarot
Creators: Nakisha VanderHoeven
Publisher:Rabbit Card Poker Self Published 2009
Deck Type: Tarot Deck
Rabbit card poker onlineCards: 78
Major Arcana:

Rabbit Card Poker Online

Minor Arcana: 56
Strength is 8
Justice is 11

Rabbit Tarot Review by Terri Clement

Being one who lives with a companion bunny, of course all things bunny are of interest and when combined with Tarot, how could I resist?

Rabbit Card Poker Rules

The deck arrived quite quickly, after the order was placed on Etsy. It arrived in a small manila mailing envelope. Tearing into the package, discovering a small silver organza drawstring bag, with the sealed deck inside, along with the other goodies that the artist included, was a real treat.

First thoughts were, “Oh, isn’t this cute!” Upon closer inspection, the more intriguing this little body of work becomes.

Rabbit Card Poker

The self-published, watercolor artwork itself is very whimsical and has the feel of Beatrix Potter meets Watership Down meets Tarot. This, however, is not a fluffy-bunny little deck. Nor is it just another Rider-Waite-Smith clone that fills a niche in the market.

The un-numbered Major Arcana are depicted very closely to the RWS and are easy to interpret. Nakisha took a different and delightful direction with the Minor Arcana. The suits of the Minors mirror what a rabbit might encounter in the natural world; Carrots = Swords, Sticks = Wands, Tulips = Cups and Daisies = Coins. The King and Queen of each suit each has a small blue globe somewhere in the image, the Knights are all riding goats and the Pages either carry a flag or a shield.

One who is well versed in the RWS and the progression of the Minors, might feel a bit awkward, at first, with the order and some of the interpretations given. With a little use and studying of the deck, can be overcome quite quickly and would be well worth the effort.


For example:

The image of the 4 of Sticks, is the little white rabbit, against a lush green background, there is one stick coming out of the ground on either side of the rabbit, one on the ground in front of the rabbit, and the rabbit is holding a forked stick in his paw, up in front of it’s face, almost as if the rabbit is trying to hide behind the stick.

Nakisha’s keywords: refuge, safety.

The image for the 9 of Sticks, is a black and white Dutch rabbit, walking on his hind legs, carrying 9 sticks on his back. The sun seems to be high in the sky and there are foothills in the back ground.

Nakisha’s key words for the 9 of Sticks are: hard work, difficulty.

The image for the 2 of Tulips, is again the black and white Dutch rabbit, walking on his hind legs, in each of his front paws he holds a pink tulip, the rabbit‘s left paw is down and the tulip is pointing towards the ground, almost looking as if it is beginning to wilt. The other paw is raised and held close to the rabbits body, and the tulip is pointing upright. The rabbit is looking back over his shoulder and his ears are laying back, but not completely flat against his body.

Nakisha’s keywords for the 2 of Tulips are: jealousy, anxiety.

There is much expression of feeling shown in each image. From shy, reserved, melancholy, to joy, and triumph.

The deck itself is playing/poker sized measuring 3 ½ inches tall by 2 ½ inches wide. It was printed by a professional playing card company printer. It is the same stock and weight as deluxe poker playing cards. The borders are fairly wide and done in black and white, giving the illusion of a matted frame. There has been recent discussion about the third printing coming out without the borders, leaving more room for the artwork. The card backs are reversible friendly and feature both the black and white Dutch rabbit and the White rabbit along with representations of each of the suits.

The Little White Book is a 4 ½ by 5 ½ inch piece of paper, folded into quarters. It features a copy of the Star card, basic descriptions and reversed descriptions for each of the Major Arcana and keywords for each of the Minor Arcana.

There is a companion book that is available to purchase directly from the printer, a link can be found at at Nakisha's website.

The Rabbit Tarot will make a wonderful gift for anyone who has an interest in rabbits and Tarot. Recommended for the beginning reader to the professional and for all ages.

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